How to Spend Less Time at the Chiro
Originally Posted on Tuesday, July 24, 2012 12:06 PM
Watch this video first (it's PG13 for Language):
I love a good chiropractor. I had one in New Jersey, Dr. Eric Nelson; here's his website: I recommend Eric with no reservations; he will help you get better. If not for him, I wouldn't have gone to the American Open in 2007. Unfortunately, not everybody has access to a good Chiro within driving distance, nor do we have the cash to go as often as we'd like. In order to productively lengthen the time between our visits to the Chiro, I have a group of exercises and stretches I recommend to keep you together on your own. Please be advised that this recommendation does not replace a qualified medical examination, and you should not do these exercises without being evaluated by a good PT, Chiro, or Doctor. Also, a good Chiro will get you set up physically to get the most from doing these exercises. If your back is out, these won't get you to 100%; if your back is in, these exercises will help you stay there.
Number 1: Turkish Get-Ups with a Kettlebell
We're not reinventing the wheel, people. This is pretty simple. Don't buy the DVD, watch this video. The most important things in the video which will keep your back together are the DRIVING THROUGH YOUR HEELS. Yep, magically, driving with your heels will keep your hips and back in place. I like to initiate the drive off the ground (the "punch and crunch" at about 2:10 or so in the video) with a hard heel drive from the straight leg. That little heel drive there really locks your SI joint into action, but you can only do it for an instant. You can see the whole get-up on video here:
Number 2: Kettlebell Arm-bar
At weightlifting camp this year, John Filippini and I were talking about KB use for lifters, and he's happened to be doing these. He does them with his legs right next to each other and turns all the way around to the floor. I, personally, like to get a good stretch and use the KB to counterbalance my legs as I stretch. You can sometimes get a good pop in the back here.
These next two are courtesy of Christine Petty, who won't be doing these until Jack is about a month older than he is now. She just now informed me that she got them from the Mobility WOD Website, and specifically this video:
Number 3: Double Knee to Chest Stretch push/pull
This stretch is oddly difficult to explain. The first part is easy, though. Lay on your back and bring both knees to your chest, as far up as possible. This is the first part of the stretch. Note how your should use both hands to pull your knees down to your chest. For the second part, I want you to use only one hand to pull your knee to your chest, and use the other hand to push your knee away. Watch about minute 4:10 of the video to see this stretch.
Yes, here's the confusion: one hand pushes, one hand pulls, BUT the knees STAY TOGETHER. You should get almost an isometric sort of contraction. You want to make the push/pull happen not with your quads and hamstrings, but with your lower back.
Number 4: Squeeze the Knees
This is the easiest and most effective of all these movements. You lay in the knees to chest position and put your foam roller, or towel, or whatever you have between your knees. You want something you won't crush, though you should be able to get some slight compression. Then you squeeze that object as hard as you can for about 15-30 seconds. Squeeze with your hips and back, not your adductors.
I would do the last two stretches every day after you lift. A couple or three days a week do the get-ups and the KB Arm Bars after the training session and then the stretches. Maybe come to the gym, or stay home, and do them all as an extra workout on a recovery day.